What Are Brands Doing?

How are brands getting their stories on television? Does the media interest voiced in surveys match their actual interest when it comes to scheduling interviews with actual spokespeople? How is technology helping to put brand stories on television? We address those questions in this issue of COVID-19 Media Guide for PR Pros. We put the “media interest” question to the test in one day of pitching a lifestyle story on creating relaxing spaces in your…

Radio Survey Results

In the third edition of COVID-19 Media Guide for PR Pros we share the first results of our radio survey. 25 radio stations responded.   According to Nielsen, radio audiences are increasing substantially as more people work from home. 92% of the stations were interested in a coronavirus related story. 88% of the stations were interested in interviewing a brand expert in a general story unrelated to the virus. Radio is the fastest and lowest…

TV Survey Results

In this edition of COVID-19 Media Guide for PR Pros we share the first results of our TV station local news survey. 52 stations responded.   87% of stations said they would take a story related to the virus from brands or non-profits. 77% would take a health story not related to the virus. 75% would be open to a story on a general topic.   Station demand is there for interviews with brand spokespeople…

Welcome to the COVID-19 Media Guide

Given the enormous economic uncertainty and the need for brands and non-profits to continue to communicate with the public, we’ve started this guide as a way for you to keep track of what the broadcast media is open to covering.   There are two-parts to this equation. First, what are local news outlets open to covering. We’ll be surveying them on a weekly basis and reporting the results back to you. The second aspect needs…

PR Prepares to Tackle Coronavirus: Olympics Spotlight

This year’s Olympics have 13 worldwide partners and hundreds of other brands engaged in sponsorships at multiple levels. Brands who have invested time and money in these partnerships have to be thinking the same thing: What will be the effect of the coronavirus on the games and on their brand sponsorship? The number one thing they need to be communicating is their continued support of and commitment to the athletes. Whether the games move forward or…