Want to Know Secrets of Success from Award-Winning Spokespeople? Meet Susann Miller from the Better Business Bureau

Susann Miller, Director of Communications and Consumer Affairs of the Better Business Bureau of Southern Arizona, shares with us how they raised awareness of online scams within their target audience. Susann explains how she got media attention for her campaign, and how to work with journalists to gain more exposure. As we get ready for Spokesperson Secrets to Build Your Brand, we are releasing exclusive footage from SPOKEies® University. You’ll see our SPOKEies® honorees sharing their tips…

Want to Know Secrets of Success from Award-Winning Spokespeople? Meet Mark Hill from Creative Industries

Mark Hill, President and CEO at the Association for Creative Industries, shares with us how to overcome the resistance associated with re-branding a non-profit. He shares his experience as his team shifted the brand’s narrative and how he faced those challenges as a spokesperson. As we get ready for Spokesperson Secrets to Build Your Brand, we are releasing exclusive footage from SPOKEies® University. You’ll see our SPOKEies® honorees sharing their tips and best advice to create authenticity…

Want to Know Secrets of Success from Award-Winning Spokespeople? Meet Mike Smith from Life Extension

Michael A. Smith, Senior Health Scientist for Life Extension, shares with us the reason why story telling can be more effective than sharing the technical aspects of supplements to the public, and how he incorporated story telling in his communication campaign as a spokesperson. As we get ready for Spokesperson Secrets to Build Your Brand, we are releasing exclusive footage from SPOKEies® University. You’ll see our SPOKEies® honorees sharing their tips and best advice to create authenticity…

Good Marketing, Happy Clients and Baby Cows.

Pushing the boundaries in the “commoooonications” world is our passion. We enjoyed our time working with our client Dairy Max in a Satellite Media Tour and Facebook Live event. Now, Social Media LIVE™ allows us to serve our clients with live streaming on multiple-channels, simultaneously.  If you are a communications professional that loves watching exciting campaigns unravel, as well as watching baby animals being fed, then you are in for a good ride.

New Technology for Social Media

Live video streaming is one of the fastest growing tools for effective communications strategies. Doug Simon, CEO of D S Simon Media reports from the New York Auto Show where improvements in transmission technology are making it possible to go live—feeding multiple social video streams simultaneously—all in full HD broadcast quality video. No need for an expensive satellite truck and costly cable runs. Just  two years after Facebook Live was introduced, viewers consume three times…