PR’s Top Pros Talk: Heather Caouette

 How can communicators understand their customers’ voices? Heather Caouette, Marketing and Communications Director at Xealth, explains the value of understanding how your products work directly from the customer experience to the sales perspective to get a fresh outlook – as well as how brand awareness can help employees and their customers with strategy and outreach. Heather also discusses how the future of healthcare technology will be more transparent and accessible to customers and healthcare…

PR’s Top Pros Talk: Ethan Rasiel

 How can you help clients break down muscle memory in conversation? Ethan Rasiel, CEO of Lightspeed PR & Marketing, recommends asking clients to participate in mock interviews that allow them to test language that any type of audience can understand, such as, journalists, partners, or potential customers. Ethan also explains the 5 behaviors that PR impacts and how communicators can effectively approach them.

PR’s Top Pros Talk: Marji Sherman

 Why should marketers invest in the Metaverse? Marji Sherman, Vice President of Digital at Cognito Media, dives into the benefits, such as, building brand awareness with Metaverse conferences and innovative office environments that change the way employees and clients interact. Marji also highlights the power of NFTs when it comes to brands selling merchandise.

PR’s Top Pros Talk: Mark Weiner

 How can communicators use research to set communications objectives that are reasonable, meaningful, and measurable? Understand their communications objectives? And, once they’re set, how do communications professionals apply what they learn to meet or beat those objectives? Mark Weiner, Chief Insights Officer at PublicRelay, recommends conducting an Executive Audit to uncover the often-hidden value equation that senior executives apply to evaluate PR value and performance. He also recommends proactive research to inform communications decisions…